Category: Holidays

Historic 30th Anniversary

machzor_coverToday is the 30th Anniversary of the publication of the very first comprehensive Messianic Jewish High Holiday Machzor (prayer book.) I brought it to life in 1983. It was published in 1986. And, in honor of this, I am releasing a digital version. Even if you are not Jewish this can be used as a powerful meditation. I’ve included hotlinks in a pdf so you can hear what the songs and Hebrew prayers sound like. Free access to this moving collection of 5 services is here:

1. This book is of historical importance as it is the first comprehensive Messianic Jewish High High Holiday prayerbook ever written.

2. This is the first, and only (as far as I know) Messianic Jewish prayerbook written by a woman.

3. The original printed version is out of publication.

4. For our active Military members who are serving overseas and unable to attend formal services, or for anyone who is home bound, hospitalized or in a country fearing public prayer, this can make worship and spiritual meditation accessible.

5. This is my offering and sincere hope you can use this Machzor as a tool to help edit your year’s life book and feel your own connection to Spirit deepen as I did when I was 13.

Love Note Movement

Hi Everyone,

Happy December!!

We are creating a Love Note Movement to spread Love across the globe. On 12/21 at 12:21pm (all time zones) we would like to create a “Wave” of Love around the world. This is similar to what we do every week at Peak Potentials where we text “Love Notes” to our family/friends/people we haven’t seen/talked to in forever or just saw yesterday, to let them know that we are thinking about them, that we are thankful to have them in our lives, etc… except our intention is that the texting of Love Messages be worldwide … imagine the whooosh of Beautiful Energy that will be created to coincide with the last day of the Mayan calendar (the start of something new and very Special), the Winter Solstice, and for the only reason we ever need … to Love one another ♥

It’s a big task as you can imagine and we’re hoping you all would please help. We created a Facebook Page dedicated to it and I was wondering if you all could please go on, “like it” and share it with your friends ( )

We also have a Twitter Page set up to see the wave of Love start in Fiji and then spread around dear Mother Earth ~

Thank you so much for your support, and please remember to text your love notes at 12:21 on December 21, 2012.

Let’s spread some LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥

In Gratitude,
♥ Adam

The Love Note Movement
Join The Global Love Note Movement which takes place on 12/21 at 12:21pm. It’s easy! Just send or Text a “Love Note” to someone you haven’t talked to in a while saying you are thinking of them OR that you are thankful for having them in your life. For Example: A quick text, email, Facebook Message…

See the Holidays Clearly – Blindfold Yourself!

  Recently I participated in a blindfolded maze. I went  into it with a cocky attitude because I’m so great at sensing energy pathways. I figured I’d get through it in a snap. However using all my mental strategies led me in circles. Muscle testing didn’t work either. I was really frustrated. Then I realized how full of myself I was…how embarrassing! I threw out all my strategies and got really, really quiet in my head and body. I breathed deeply.

Out of that deep quiet openness I was able to clearly sense what direction to take. When I looked at the maze afterwards I saw that I had been only about 1/2 way through before that. After getting quiet it took me only about 5 seconds to complete the maze. I’m thinking now about the season we are in. There’s already so much loud blasting for attention – sale here – better sale here… Whatever way you use to successfully get through the mazes of your own life perhaps connecting into your own quiet openness will help make this holiday season more magical for you.

Road Trip Check-Up

Have you ever taken a road trip? Most of the people I know enjoy taking trips. How about you?

There is a journey coming up that seems to be creating alot of apprehension instead of joy. I just watched a very interesting 2012 related video called The Quickening that is going viral right now (video is below.) It contains some fascinating, encouraging possibilities, totally worth watching. It also brought up some fear for me. Have you noticed that most things surrounding what might occur in 2012 tend to bring up alot of fear for people?

The fear I felt let me know I have more stuff to clear for myself. For instead of staying in the calm present moment, I chose to drive to the Future Peril Possibilities Mindfrick store. (Ha ha.. I began to write pissibilities. As I was changing it to “possibilities” I thought to myself “Fears are not possibilities. They are pissibilities – piss on ‘em!

One of the things I’ve noticed is that if I’m feeling something, there are usually lots of others going through the same or similar thing. It’s one of the gifts I get to have as a healer/teacher. I get to experience a lot of stuff so I can wave my hand and say to you guys “over here, I see something to clean up over here.”

A very interesting thing they talked about in The Quickening video was a specific date in October of THIS YEAR that they thought could be significant in the 2012 unfolding. I had a feeling that date was right around the conclusion of the Jewish High Holidays. (The High Holidays are all about making things right between you and others, you and yourself and you and God.)

I checked the Jewish Calendar and sure enough, I was right. Why am I mentioning this? Because if you have been receiving newsletters from me for some time you have heard me repeatedly say that I have noticed the energy and meaning of specific Jewish holidays seem to be significant for everyone even if you have never noticed it.

So, I was thinking… would you like to know what I was thinking?… I was thinking that going into 2012, or even going into tomorrow, is like going on a road trip. I don’t know what I am going to encounter on the road – detours, unexpected health concerns, beautiful scenery… I do know that being excited about it is how I’d like to feel, not fearful. I also know if I have my mechanic do a trip check-up on my car before I leave I will have more fun and less headaches because my car will be prepared to easily handle the trip. True or true?

It sure seems that now would be a really great time to do a 2012 road trip check-up group healing session, to clear fear and unconscious blocks we have surrounding 2012 stuff AND to do some personal spiritual house cleaning as we go into the High Holiday season. If the video is right, the two are very closely related this year and coming up in just 4+ weeks, so this is a really, really, really good time to clear as much as we can. Every time we do some energy clearing it makes our personal and collective lives smoother.

On September 2th, 2011 I facilitated a 2012 Road Trip Check-up Group Healing Session.  It was a perfect time to do this session as it was a holiday weekend in the US and Canada, one where many people take their last road trip of the summer. If you would like to experience this incredible transformational session simply register for the replay here (available through September 26, 2011 July 17, 2012.) Call in details will be emailed to you directly after you register.

Not quite sure if this is for you? Read comments from people who have already participated in our Road Trip. Click here:

I’m looking forward to taking this road trip into 2012 with you.


P.S. Please share this post with everyone you know. The more people on the Road Trip Check-up the clearer we all get and the smoother our journey will be.

Here The Quickening video.

The Quickening from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

Constant Joy

~ Have you been feeling enslaved to an emotion or circumstance?

~ Would you like to be set free?

Could Joy be the key?


Joy gives you the power, motivation and confidence to achieve things
that otherwise seem too difficult to attempt. Better than a granola
bar – joy is pure energy.

Do you remember the thrill of hitting a home run? Getting out on the last day of school? Riding your new bicycle? You jump with joy. Fantastic!

Joy gives you energy and makes you feel great. You can achieve all kinds of things that otherwise may seem too difficult to attempt. With joy, you’re not afraid to talk to the guy sitting next to you on the plane. No problem! You’ve got energy, buoyancy. You’re alive!

Learn to differentiate between real joy, which generates the power to accomplish, and illusory joy, whose burst of energy fades into a let-down. True joy comes from the pleasure of growth and self-actualization – when we conquer a difficult challenge, or experience a moment of clarity. When your team wins the World Series, or when you win the lottery, the joy is a delusion. Why? Because you did not change or grow. Joy is solely the result of your reaction to life, your commitment to turning every moment into a growth experience.

You’re not reaching your potential unless you have joy. So whether you’re studying, touring, working or relaxing, first get into a state of joy. It will give you a big boost of power and confidence.

For more meditations like this one click here for the entire collection of “Counting the Omer” meditations. (Series of days between Passover and Shavuot (Pentacost))

The following video not only wells up Joy in my heart but I think it could very well be what anyone might sing as celebration once they have been freed from bondage. I hope you enjoy it and feel a release from something that has been enslaving you.

Going for the Gold

Passover began tonight. It is the commemoration of day when the Jews in Egypt were finally freed after 400 years of enslavement. For some time I’ve been feeling that this Passover is going to be more significant for me than in the recent past so I’ve been paying close attention to the various ups and downs I’ve been experiencing.

One of the things I noticed is that this year, the first Seder (first night celebration) falls on a Wednesday, which was the night of Jesus’ Last Supper. Seems to me that’s an indicator of this being a particularly auspicious day.

Another thing I found interesting is that as I was cleaning up my kitchen today in preparation for Passover the garbage disposal side of my sink got clogged.. and is still clogged. Maybe the disposal experienced a healing crisis, as I had just gone through everything in my kitchen to energetically clear all old energy still hanging on my dishes, pots, cookbooks, EVERYTHING there… if you have any insight on what happened please leave a comment below this post.

There is a very interesting 50 day spiritual journey that begins the second day of Passover. It is called the “Omer.” It concludes on the day the Ten Commandments were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. This is also the time from Jesus’ crucifiction to the day the Holy Spirit was given to his disciples on Pentecost.

According to the Kabbalists we have 49 drives and traits of the heart. I’ve compiled a collection of meditations, one for each day, corresponding to those 49 drives and traits. As you read each meditation, one each day, you will take a step forward on your own unique and personal spiritual journey.

Download Omer Daily Meditations

Head of the Year / Purpose Fulfilled

Rosh Hashana, which means “head of the year” begins tonight, Sept 29, 2008. Though it falls in the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar it is the beginning of the new Spiritual Year. It is a time to look back and review lessons. However, it’s main theme is looking ahead – giving God a snapshot of what type of year you are envisioning.

Some of us were given the insight last January that 2008 is the Year of True Purpose. You probably have had a sense of this, even if you didn’t know it specifically. The What’s Up on Planet Earth post for September 29, 2008 addresses our True Purpose. Here is an excerpt from that post.

“And this is the way of our current transition. We are letting go of anything that is not pure and clean, or vibrating high. And we are thus going directly to Source. And this creates the necessity to learn new ways. And this is why we have recently been plugged in to our true and authentic selves…connecting more fully to our souls or to Source. And this is why so much of the old world in now falling away in earnest. And this is why we need to be very good at what we do. And this is why we are now ready to be who we came to be, have always known who that is (even though we think we do not), or are now getting the opportunity to discover who that is and get up to speed with it.”
What’s Up on Planet Earth

I wish you all the most joyous fulfilled spiritual year possible.

“Now I’ve been happy lately, thinking about the good things to come. And, I do believe it could be something good has begun.”
Cat Stevens, Peace Train

Cracked Pots & Spiritual Deepening

Reprinted from the Zemira Newlsetter 9/11/2007

At sundown Wednesday, September 12th the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana ushers in the Spiritual new year and a 10 day period of reflection which closes the “Book of Life” for the year so we may begin afresh. This is followed several days later by a 7 day “the work is done” celebration called “Sukkot” and then a two day celebration of receiving deeper spiritual enlightenment.

On Thursday, the 13th of September, the 30 day holiday of Ramadan begins. Ramadan is one of the most holiest holidays among Muslims. It is believed that in this month the Qu’ran was revealed to the prophet Mohammad. Ramadan is basically the spiritual cleansing of the soul through self restraint.

Whether you are Jewish or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or agnostic or green slime from the planet xgeyt, let us join together to reflect on our relationships, clear our souls and make things right with all, so we may receive greater light.

Here is something to meditate on to begin your reflection.

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends
of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a
crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a
full portion of water. At the end of the long walks from the stream
to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing
home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot
was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was
ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only
do half of what it had been made to do.

After two  years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it
spoke to the woman one day by the stream.

“I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes
water to leak out all the way back to your house.”

The old woman smiled, “Did you notice that there are flowers on
your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s
because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower
seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back,
you water them.

“For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to
decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there
would not be this beauty to grace the house.”

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it’s the cracks and flaws
we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and

You’ve just got to take each person for what they are and look for
the good in them.