See the Holidays Clearly – Blindfold Yourself!

  Recently I participated in a blindfolded maze. I went  into it with a cocky attitude because I’m so great at sensing energy pathways. I figured I’d get through it in a snap. However using all my mental strategies led me in circles. Muscle testing didn’t work either. I was really frustrated. Then I realized how full of myself I was…how embarrassing! I threw out all my strategies and got really, really quiet in my head and body. I breathed deeply.

Out of that deep quiet openness I was able to clearly sense what direction to take. When I looked at the maze afterwards I saw that I had been only about 1/2 way through before that. After getting quiet it took me only about 5 seconds to complete the maze. I’m thinking now about the season we are in. There’s already so much loud blasting for attention – sale here – better sale here… Whatever way you use to successfully get through the mazes of your own life perhaps connecting into your own quiet openness will help make this holiday season more magical for you.