24-7 Optimization Program
For Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance


discovery session package
first steps session package
First Steps
pathways session
destinations session package


247 program
24/7 Program for Accelerated Manifestation

my shining life
My Shining Life

24/7 Wealth Program
24/7 Program for Wealth, Prosperity & Abundance


This program delivers ongoing vibrational optimizations that relate to wealth, prosperity and abundance. This includes staying on course with focus; ease of letting go of old non-serving thoughts, beliefs and actions; recognizing and taking action toward what is for your highest good; living in optimal flow.

During the 4 week testing phase of this program the reports I've received are:

• One person who had been looking for a job for quite some time got a new better paying job within a week
• Within minutes of beginning the program one person's money worries disappeared. Their income did not increase but their stress was gone and the money they need always shows up.
• Someone got a new idea for a money making podcast
• Someone who wanted to get out of their business finally got a viable offer for a buyout
• I was in some kind of funk. The minute I put myself on the program the funk lifted.

This is a great gift for family and friends too!

$35 per month ongoing

The 24/7 program is a subscription program that runs for you from my office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It auto renews every month on your subscription date.You may cancel your subscription at any time.

I'm a right brain - degree in art - fly by my intuition person who spent years running away from anything that felt like strategic planning. But when my mentors said to me "you can't get to your destination if you don't have one" I knew goal setting <choke/cough> was something I was going to have to look at eventually. Over time I developed worksheets that made emotional and mental sense to me and helped me clarify and be heart connected to what I truly wanted to achieve.

Each new subscription to the 24/7 Program for Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance receives the "Year of Success You Can See*" plan and "Action to Achievement" pdf worksheets that I use myself.

Yes you will have to answer some questions but how bad can it be if one of the questions is "How will I celebrate when I have achieved my goal?"

I'm planning to include these worksheets in a book I'm working on so if I were you I'd get them now while they are free. (After subscribing to the 24/7 Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance program you'll get a download link for the worksheets.

* Here's a preview of A Year of Sucess You Can See

1. Brainstorm: Take 5 minutes to list 10 or more goals you have for the coming year. Do this quickly without thinking. You'll refine this list in the following steps.
2. Envision
3. Resonate
4. Write
5. Proclaim
6. Act
7. Celebrate
: Always celebrate your successes. Even a baby step forward is a sucess so celebrate it!





individual sessions
Individual Live Session
q60+ session
Q60+ Session
Archangel session
Archangel Assistance
Astrology session
Astrology Alignment
animal medicine
Shamanic Animal Medicine

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Barbara Robins

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Website Design © 2006 by Julia Stege and www.graphicgirlz.com

The content found here is for informational purposes only, and is in no way intended as medical advice, as a substitute for medical counseling, or as a treatment/cure for any disease or health condition and nor should it be construed as such. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle, or exercise activities. This information is provided as-is, and the reader/viewer assumes all risks from the use, non-use, or misuse of this information.