Ankle Pain

Lower Back Pain

Chakra Balancing, Hernia Pain, Blood Sugar Problem

Bruised Heart

Spiritual Healing and Ingrained Behavior Patterns

Not Happy Turning 40

Low Energy/Back Pain

Test Anxiety

Delivering a Baby



Ankle Pain

Mysticmike2112: Could you do a sample?
IntoThisMoment: sure Mike...please name on thing that is bothering your right now, it can be physical or emotional
Mysticmike2112: hmmm, ankles hurting me a little lately
IntoThisMoment: is it hurting right now?
Mysticmike2112: yes
IntoThisMoment: ok please rate the pain from 1-10 with 10 being the worst
Mysticmike2112: 5
IntoThisMoment: MysticMike - Disclaimer: Yuen Energetics, and IntoThisMoment make no claim of diagnosis, treatment or cures of symptoms, conditions or diseases...
IntoThisMoment: Yuen Energetics may or may not facilitate the healing process. Consult your physician for treatment.
IntoThisMoment: Now, sit back and relax and if you start to feel tingly or warm or lightheaded or tired that is from energy pathways opening up. Let me know if you feel or think anything.
Mysticmike2112: Some tingling in that area
IntoThisMoment: Mike I'm getting a sense of you pushing things away
Mysticmike2112: now a bit more spreading upward
IntoThisMoment: Mike, how does your ankle feel now?
Mysticmike2112: actually, feeling better
IntoThisMoment: can you rate the pain now
Mysticmike2112: 1
IntoThisMoment: great
Mysticmike2112: interesting
IntoThisMoment: that should get to zero pretty soon
Mysticmike2112: Thank you for the healing
IntoThisMoment: you're quite welcome Mike, glad I could help
Mysticmike2112: I just walked around a bit to test the waters, only slight residual but much, much better
IntoThisMoment: well let me clear that residual
Mysticmike2112: how are you doing that?
IntoThisMoment: I'm clearing the residual the same way I cleared the pain
Mysticmike2112: yeah, I'm getting that tingling
IntoThisMoment: ok try walking around again
IntoThisMoment: Mike what I was getting was a resistance to people coming into your life, your being open and vulnerable to others
Mysticmike2112: yes
Mysticmike2112: oh, 0 now
IntoThisMoment: good
Mysticmike2112: Bless you, thank you much, think I need to investigate this more
Mysticmike2112: and learn
IntoThisMoment: :)

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The content found here is for informational purposes only, and is in no way intended as medical advice, as a substitute for medical counseling, or as a treatment/cure for any disease or health condition and nor should it be construed as such. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle, or exercise activities. This information is provided as-is, and the reader/viewer assumes all risks from the use, non-use, or misuse of this information.