Healing the Feminine and Masculine wound?
From my friend and teacher Martin Hahn of www.settingheartsfree.com
“In the end we will conserve only what we love; love only what we understand; and understand only what we have been taught.” Baba Dioum
The great chasm between the masculine and feminine heart that has been created over the past 4 decades, and the ensuing suffering because of it, needs to be healed in order for us to once again be in union and create the love and abundance we were meant to have for each other. Are you up for the challenge? Because it’s up to you and me!
Are you ready to inspire those you know into greater ways of being in all aspects of life – in business, family, romance, friends, neighbors? If you are, then read on.
Untangling the mystery of love
What is Love? And who teaches us about what it means to love another?
We generally get our ideas from our parents, other family members, teachers, ministers and society as a whole. We usually enter this arena with much confusion and are left to our own devices to find out the truth about love. Sometimes the hard way.
The suffering currently going on in the world today because of this simple lack of understanding between the heart of a woman and the heart of a man has reached almost catastrophic proportions. Just look at the divorce rates today.
Many of you have come through Predicament sharing your stories about your experience in love and it hurts. The tears are real. It’s time we started to bridge the gap that has been created between the masculine and the feminine in each of us.
Let’s have a closer look.
In the healing of our hearts let’s look at the following 3 components of love:
1) Romantic Infatuation
2) Sexual Polarity
3) Love
Romantic Infatuation – the ‘falling’ in love.
It usually only happens once or twice in your whole lifetime if you’re lucky. It’s the feeling of finding something in another so deeply familiar it’s as if we’ve known them our whole life and you ’ve finally come home to your soul mate. They’re the one.
Have you ever felt something like this in your life? It’s very powerful.
Are you together with your spouse today because of that feeling?
The truth about romantic infatuation is that it is a trick of the Divine. It’s how we’re brought together to resolve our family issues. It creates a strong attraction, which, when it fades (and it will) we’re left to work through our unresolved family dynamics.
In other words, we’re attracted to someone with the reciprocal past issues to our own and that’s why they seem so familiar in the first place. In a sense it is a coming home. The stronger that feeling the more familiar the unresolved issue we are faced with in that relationship. Does that make sense? Would you like to know the root of this?
Imagine a child born very open, relaxed and loving. It’s like a brand new piece of paper, no wrinkles, smooth, clear. As the child begins to grow and live life, it accumulates certain kinks from its experiences. Through not getting enough love, being shut down for who the child is, being told how to behave all the time, what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Some kinks go quite a bit deeper through abusive situations the child may go through whether verbal, physical or sexual. Can you follow this so far?
Many of these impacts are of an energetic nature and leave imprints on that child’s way of thinking that will shape his or her world from a very young age. Going back to the piece of paper we can start to see the wrinkles begin to appear as the world imparts its stresses on it.
The child, a once very open being, ends up a contorted smaller version of the would be radiant self and begins to act in ways it deems acceptable to others versus showing it’s true nature. All this simply based on history and the accumulation of ‘stuff’ from living life.
We put shells around our hearts to protect ourselves from, sometimes real and sometimes perceived, threats for the rest of our lives. By the time some of us hit 30 we look more like a paper ball than the smooth, new sheet of paper we started as.
Do you think all this would affect your openness? Your willingness to be you in all your splendor as you were meant to live? Of course it does.
Then one day someone asks you who you are and in all honestly, you cannot answer.
There was a woman at a meeting I was at who was in tears because she had lived her whole life doing what other people wanted her to do and she could not answer this question. Didn’t know where to even start. She’s in her 50’s now. That’s heart breaking.
These shells of contracture must be cracked if you are to get a glimpse of the true self you were born to be. We all have them to some degree and for some of us the desire to want to know our truth becomes extremely important one day. How much do you want to know the truth of you? Are you ready to begin living life the way it was meant for you?
The divine tricks us into coming together so the real work in relationship can begin when the feeling of familiarity begins to fade.
If you ’re conscious, you can work through these things together. If you ’re not, you ’ll spend your time convincing the other that you ’re right and they need to get some counseling. Do you get it?
Sometimes you stay together because of the kids or the fear of being left alone or not having someone. You just tolerate what was meant to be one of the most beautiful unions on this planet.
Some people move on to another relationship just to realize in short order that the issues appear to be the same although the face is slightly different.
My teacher says: “You take yourself with you where ever you go.”
When the relationship changes and the issues are still the same, after 2 or 3 of them you have to realize that the common denominator is “YOU”. That was a tough one to swallow for me.
I’ll address the other two components to this story, in our next email. Take some time this week to look through your past and see how this idea of romantic infatuation has played out in your life. Does it sound familiar? Where have you been holding back? And why?
Do you want to know who you are beyond the shells of contracture around your heart? Come see!
Open Heart, No Fear!
Martin Hahn
President and Lead Facilitator
The Secret of Life: Become a Lake
An aging Hindu master grew tired of his apprentice complaining, and so, one morning, sent him for some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master instructed the unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it. “How does it taste?” the master asked. “Bitter,” spat the apprentice.
The master then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake nearby. Once the apprentice swirled his handful of salt in the water, the old man said, “Now drink from the lake.” As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the master asked, “How does it taste?” “Fresh,” remarked the apprentice. “Do you taste the salt?” asked the master. “No,” said the young man.
At this, the master took the young man’s hands, offering, “The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains exactly the same. However, the amount of bitterness we taste depends on the container we put the pain in. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things . . .Stop being a glass. Become a lake.”
~Author unknown
See the Holidays Clearly – Blindfold Yourself!
Recently I participated in a blindfolded maze. I went into it with a cocky attitude because I’m so great at sensing energy pathways. I figured I’d get through it in a snap. However using all my mental strategies led me in circles. Muscle testing didn’t work either. I was really frustrated. Then I realized how full of myself I was…how embarrassing! I threw out all my strategies and got really, really quiet in my head and body. I breathed deeply.
Out of that deep quiet openness I was able to clearly sense what direction to take. When I looked at the maze afterwards I saw that I had been only about 1/2 way through before that. After getting quiet it took me only about 5 seconds to complete the maze. I’m thinking now about the season we are in. There’s already so much loud blasting for attention – sale here – better sale here… Whatever way you use to successfully get through the mazes of your own life perhaps connecting into your own quiet openness will help make this holiday season more magical for you.
2012 Road Trip Check-up Continues!
“Thank you so much Barbara! the Healing was mind blowing & the music was really excellent! I don’t know how to express how I felt at that moment , it was out of this world… Truly Majestic I should say. I felt a lot of deep shifts taking place, something I could feel behind my head almost buzzing, a warm feeling in the end. Thank you once again for your contribution to the Healing you gave for Roadtrip 2012. Please accept My warmest heartfelt thanks.”
“Thanks Barbara for the road trip! It took a few days for the energy to settle… Definitely an awakening & clearing.”
“Wow!!! This gift you gave us was so incredible. It shifted some things that have been stuck for a long time. Amazing !!!”
“Yes – get it! It was wonderful. I honestly believe that since the experience that all my corrections are fuller and deeper, and therefore faster. Before – I felt them as little bleeps in my throat – now, I feel much larger waves of energy around my whole body and the bleeps are only there in the background if I tune into them. Thank you again, Barbara, and I too keep listening – only to fall asleep at the end.”
“Interesting I feel very powerful but vulnerable at the same time. Soft and strong”
I too was moved by the session. Feeling it was one of the most extraordinary sessions I’ve ever experienced. Gratitude is pouring out of me like a waterfall.
I’m allowing the replay to be available through September 26 so you don’t miss out on these incredible waves of energy.
Update 12/27/2011 You can now download an Mp3 of the 2012 Road Trip Optimizations. This is all the optimizations from the 60 minute 2012 Road Trip group healing session compressed into 5 minutes, like I do on all my Timeless Vibrations Mp3s. Order your copy here: http://bit.ly/roadtripmp3
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who participated in the live session.
Road Trip Check-Up
Have you ever taken a road trip? Most of the people I know enjoy taking trips. How about you?
There is a journey coming up that seems to be creating alot of apprehension instead of joy. I just watched a very interesting 2012 related video called The Quickening that is going viral right now (video is below.) It contains some fascinating, encouraging possibilities, totally worth watching. It also brought up some fear for me. Have you noticed that most things surrounding what might occur in 2012 tend to bring up alot of fear for people?
The fear I felt let me know I have more stuff to clear for myself. For instead of staying in the calm present moment, I chose to drive to the Future Peril Possibilities Mindfrick store. (Ha ha.. I began to write pissibilities. As I was changing it to “possibilities” I thought to myself “Fears are not possibilities. They are pissibilities – piss on ‘em!
One of the things I’ve noticed is that if I’m feeling something, there are usually lots of others going through the same or similar thing. It’s one of the gifts I get to have as a healer/teacher. I get to experience a lot of stuff so I can wave my hand and say to you guys “over here, I see something to clean up over here.”
A very interesting thing they talked about in The Quickening video was a specific date in October of THIS YEAR that they thought could be significant in the 2012 unfolding. I had a feeling that date was right around the conclusion of the Jewish High Holidays. (The High Holidays are all about making things right between you and others, you and yourself and you and God.)
I checked the Jewish Calendar and sure enough, I was right. Why am I mentioning this? Because if you have been receiving newsletters from me for some time you have heard me repeatedly say that I have noticed the energy and meaning of specific Jewish holidays seem to be significant for everyone even if you have never noticed it.
So, I was thinking… would you like to know what I was thinking?… I was thinking that going into 2012, or even going into tomorrow, is like going on a road trip. I don’t know what I am going to encounter on the road – detours, unexpected health concerns, beautiful scenery… I do know that being excited about it is how I’d like to feel, not fearful. I also know if I have my mechanic do a trip check-up on my car before I leave I will have more fun and less headaches because my car will be prepared to easily handle the trip. True or true?
It sure seems that now would be a really great time to do a 2012 road trip check-up group healing session, to clear fear and unconscious blocks we have surrounding 2012 stuff AND to do some personal spiritual house cleaning as we go into the High Holiday season. If the video is right, the two are very closely related this year and coming up in just 4+ weeks, so this is a really, really, really good time to clear as much as we can. Every time we do some energy clearing it makes our personal and collective lives smoother.
On September 2th, 2011 I facilitated a 2012 Road Trip Check-up Group Healing Session. It was a perfect time to do this session as it was a holiday weekend in the US and Canada, one where many people take their last road trip of the summer. If you would like to experience this incredible transformational session simply register for the replay here http://bit.ly/roadtripreplay (available through September 26, 2011 July 17, 2012.) Call in details will be emailed to you directly after you register.
Not quite sure if this is for you? Read comments from people who have already participated in our Road Trip. Click here: http://zemirahealing.com/blog/?p=307
I’m looking forward to taking this road trip into 2012 with you.
P.S. Please share this post with everyone you know. The more people on the Road Trip Check-up the clearer we all get and the smoother our journey will be.
Here The Quickening video.
The Quickening from keith wyatt on Vimeo.
It’s Frickin’ Growing Season
It appears that many of us seem to have been thrown out the window from the 7th story of the Comfort Zone building. We’ve landed in a garden and instead of saying “oh what a beautiful place to be, I get to spend time in nature, get my hands dirty, and create something beautiful, delicious and nutritious” we are freaking out – “something’s wrong, something’s not working right, I don’t know how to take care of a garden….”
When something is uncomfortable for me I now say “Oh, it’s growing season.” That reframes the experience so I am better able to go with the flow, stay open to out of the box solutions, and know that everything is alright. …because, It’s Growing Season!
My friend Donna says “Shit is the herald of fertilizer. It’s Comin’!”