Fulfilled Life of Service

I just had a dream and a subsequent revelation. I think the revelation might be applicable to your life too, so I thought I’d share it with you.

I realized that some time ago, when I gave my life to be of service to humanity  I attached an unspoken understanding that I would sacrifice my life (set my personal interests aside.) Today I realized  I can have a fulfilling life and be fully of service to humanity at the same time.

It’s like the shift I made about money – going from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality., that you can be spiritual and have money. And, money is good if it ultimately helps you to more fully serve humanity.

My life can be abundant in every way. I can live my personal dreams and be fully committed to serving humanity. So, I verbally stated to the Universe that my previous pledge about serving humanity is now complete. I then made new pledge that included fully serving humanity while having the fulfilling life of my yearnings….. Immediately I felt things shift in my body and energy field.

  • By Barbara, March 30, 2009 @ 11:21 am

    Followup: It’s been several weeks since I closed my previous pledge and created a new one. Things have opened up for me in just that short amount of time. I’m having opportunities to experience things that had been shut for years. The feelings of being “dead” are gone. I feel like I’m living again.

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