The Terrible Two’s @ 30

by Amy Startari

Why is it that we can see someone else’s road, but when we look ahead at our own it just goes blank? I can shift someone’s life in two hours and they are never the same again. So why when I work on mine for 24 hours, it’s still a mess? Another healing. Another shift. Another method. Did it work? Sure, I feel better now about the muddy place I’m in.

The caterpillar bursts into the butterfly when it comes my way, but when I do the work for myself I end up with an extra caterpillar leg at best. And, well, caterpillars don’t need extra legs!

What the heck is going on? I feel like the kid whose mom says “Time to Go” and as she helps me put on my coat I start screaming, “NOOOOO. I’m tired.” When she continues to pull me, I do what two year olds do. I sit down and I don’t move forward, as if my life depends on it. Something should have happened by now after all the work I’ve done, so I’m not going anywhere. The problem is I’m in my thirties and I have the terrible twos.

I’m over it! I want my independence, but I want things to come easily. And I want it my way. My way or the highway, but guess who wins? Not me because I sat this one out.

The catch is when we give in and sit down, absolutely nothing changes. The world keeps on turning. You wake up the next day or week or month or year or life and have to face it all again. I realize I might as well sweep my soul or clean my closet now because tomorrow the stuff will only pile up and then there will be more to deal with later.

Maybe you set it up this way. Maybe you’re not like anyone else. Maybe your millimeters are larger than the yards other people take. Maybe you’re not a butterfly. Remember many butterflies only live for a few short days. Who knows what you’ve got planned.

To develop great abs we have to press against our own weight. We are developing spiritual abs, a spiritual core that will prepare us for things beyond our wildest dreams. But, only if we let it. So the next time you want to pout, give your 2 year old a few seconds, and refuse to give in.
