How is the Into This Moment Quantum Optimizations Process
Different from Other Energy Healing Modalities?
ITM utilizes a more advanced form of cause assessment and a more efficient process than Reiki, Neuraltherapy, BodyTalk, QuantumTouch, etc.
1. ITM testing is done remotely and is not tied to using slides/vials, remedies, tables, or other physical things, thus allowing for phone or other distance sessions. Also, not needing physical equipment means you can practice or receive ITM healing anywhere. For example, if you have been trained in ITM and were in a car accident, you could immediately begin healing work on yourself or your injured passengers, for both the emotional trauma as well as their physical needs.
2. ITM addresses the non-conscious origins of problems (where most problems originate) without the patient or the practitioner having to attach words to the problem. To work with someone until they become aware can take a long long time - that's what talk therapy is all about. Even skilled energy practitioners are not always able to easily name the cause of a problem. Because ITM goes immediately to the energetic signal that holds the cause of a problem, naming it is unnecessary.
3. ITM is a more thorough process than most other healing modalities. To correct as deeply as is needed, everything tested must be retested until all is strong/optimized. With any other modality this can be a long tedious process that can leave both the practitioner and the patient exhausted. Many modalities don't account for this retesting so you can be left with incomplete healing. Retesting is necessary because issues are rarely experienced in isolation, they are usually entangled with other issues. Many times only a portion of an issue can be corrected before another issue becomes the priority. That second issue must be addressed before continuing with the first one. ITM efficiently addresses all the entanglements in just a matter of minutes.
4. Using ITM, attunements and upgrades are also more efficient processes than most other healing modalities. Just as in #3, other modalities can leave you with an incomplete attunement or upgrade. Sometimes there are entangled issues to clear before the full attunement can be completed.
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