Dear Yuen Method Students and Practitioners,
From first learning the Yuen Method I was motivated to find core issues with less thinking so the "locate and correct" process would become more automatic, and more complete. By using and refining the Yuen Method in my healing practice I've developed protocols, procedures and concepts that have blossomed to make the Yuen Method faster, more thorough, and easier to learn.
Turning these concepts into workshops and home study courses became a better vehicle for supporting your existing training than doing only one on one support. I've been getting wonderful feedback from the numerous Yuen Method students and certified practitioners who have taken this training.
"Yuen's approach is fantastic and your expansion of it is extra overdrive to make it even easier and more powerful"
~ Felix C., California
"Into This Moment" (ITM) training refines the Yuen Method and is in sync with its fundamentals. In ITM training you learn powerful testing protocols and concepts that Dr. Yuen does not teach. And, ITM's approach can free you up from having to name or count issues. You reach greater correction depth at the first level than from Dr. Yuen's third level protocol.
Also, beginners will be able to walk out of an ITM level 1 workshop totally understanding what has been taught, and able to confidently practice it without your chart book. Seasoned Yuen Method practitioners will learn new and advanced protocols and concepts to speed up your work and assist you to get to the core facets of an issue more easily. You will see correction possibilities you've never dreamed of before. I even give you tools so you can achieve more than what I teach you.
"I highly recommend Into This Moment Workshops for therapists and
energetic practitioners who are serious about continuing to learn new
ways of looking at the issues being presented by clients. "
~ Martha Smith
Certified Yuen Method Practitioner |
Additionally, my student/teacher/assistant ratio is small for personalized attention. And, at the conclusion of the live workshop you will be handed a certificate of completion. (Home study students ask me about certification.) So, while I no longer offer individual coaching for the Yuen Method I think you will find Into This Moment workshops and home study to be extremely helpful for moving your healing skills forward.
I Support all the Best for You,
Barbara Robins
Founder, Into This Moment Training
Certified Yuen Method Master Practitioner
P.S. When you are ready, a teacher will appear, a teacher that speaks to you differently and you see yourself learning faster and you learn better than you have ever learned before.
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