~ How did you get interested in this?
~ What do you get in the workshop?
~ Details on the home study course
~ What does "Into This Moment" refer to?
~ How effective is the Yuen Method?
~ Short healing is done as an example.
~ Can you work on yourself?
~ What is the key to becoming more intuitive?
NEW: Aura paintings of ITM students. before and after
a workshop View Paintings
"Every time I went to the Yuen classes page my spiritual guides said "No, that's not it. Finally I came across Barbara's stuff and they were like "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. That's it!"
~ Jack Bennett
SRT Practitioner
"I highly recommend Into This Moment Workshops for therapists and energetic practitioners who are serious about continuing to learn new ways of looking at the issues being presented by clients...The material provided in Into This Moment training offers a new, important look at the possibilities."
These courses came into being as the outgrowth of using and refining the Yuen Method in my healing practice. They advance the Yuen Method and are in sync with its fundamentals. You will learn powerful testing protocols and concepts exclusive to these courses. And, ITM's approach can free you up from having to name or count issues. Imagine easily reaching greater correction depth with ITM's first level than Dr. Yuen's third level protocol.
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." ~Goethe
"Making any change in your life often feels uncomfortable at first. Continue to take action. Small steps count. Put the energy to create new things in your life out into the world. The Universe will respond!"
~Lynn Robinson
Easily learn to turn on and off your bioenergetic switches to instantly correct the root subconscious programming of pain and stress. Enjoy unsurpassed new skill and empowerment from this very first class. You will be able to access the information you need faster, by bypassing your conscious awareness, blind spots and editors, and connects you directly to True Awareness. Workshop materials packet includes the book "Shifting Consciousness" by Barbara Robins, over 25 testing charts and lists, and the "Daily Workout" Timeless Vibrations healing CD.
Into This Moment Two
The Multi Dimensional Toolbox
Higher Level Communication.
Every time I teach this material in a workshop setting I say to my students "Ok, roll up your sleeves. It's time to really get deep. This is like Healing Grad School." I say that because it was the upper level courses in college that were way more fun, interesting and meaty than the 101 classes. Accelerated protocols with charts, and book of informative case histories included. Prerequisite: Into This Moment Course 1. You may get both courses together as once you've learned the basics in ITM 1 you will be able to quickly add the concepts in ITM 2 into your healing sessions.
• Belief System Repair
• Healing System Networking
• Recovering Your Ability to Love
• Multi-Dimensional Toolbox
• How to Resolve Difficult Cases
• Accelerated Protocol
• Upgrade to Your Personal Operating System
• Special Grids, Vectors and More...
Into This Moment Three Gai Shan "Sustained Improvement to Benefit All"
Available for those with at least 50 hours
of practice time with ITM 1 and 2.
"The most powerful place we can be is where we have completely deconstructed our identity, where we no longer know who we are or what we are doing. Where everything we perceive in our world has come apart. It is in this place of complete chaos that anything is possible. It is here that we create from scratch. This is the clean slate. To begin, just let go of what you thought you knew and step forward into the unknown."
~ Tee Crane
"Allowing" Triads
Ascension/Salvation Grid
Highest Spiritual Orientation Protocol
Soul Beyond Time
Avenien Blueprint Charts
Key attributes to living in higher states of consciousness
A sense of being inter connected and connected with the greater whole. A global citizen with a soul.
A need and unshakeable commitment to live in alignment with personal values irrespective of group circumstances.This leads to higher levels of ethics and integrity. Real humanity!
An individual willingness to live outside one's comfort zone pushing the parameters of personal growth. A commitment to live greatness as opposed to settling for mediocrity.
Living from the space of "I Care." Recognizing my decisions and actions co- create the world I live in and determine the future I and we will face.
A greater sense of responsibility, individually, and for the greater common good.
The ability to think integrally and solve problems of great complexity.
The ability to live from a space of stillness versus chaos.
The ability to flow and surrender to the process of life versus the need to control everything / forcing things to happen.
Accepting and having a sincere interest in difference. Utilizing what is learned.
A willingness to experience great humility in the face of compassion and take responsibility for our part in conflict.
The recognition and ability to live with paradox and ambiguity and feel ok.
The ability to utilize the whole of ourselves to heal, forgive, retain and be in relationship with others.
To: The Curiosity Seeker To: Those Looking for Something More
The goal of Into This Moment Workshops is to inspire and guide you towards higher levels of communication through practical healing techniques that reinforce your natural gifts and encouraging creative exploration.
The Power That Makes Healing Possible…
has always been present for everyone, even if it seems hidden or unknown. Into This Moment workshops not only guide you to unlock this awesome power to heal yourself and others, but you will learn to do so in less time than it takes to watch a movie.
You Will Discover and Unlock...
the healing gifts that already lay within you by following the simple principles you will learn during our two-day workshop. These gifts have always been inside you. They can’t be taken away and you don’t need any special enlightenment to find them. And best of all, it doesn’t take lots of training or extensive clearing of your own stuff either.
Whether You Desire to Become...
a master healer or you're simply tired of visiting crowded doctor's offices and want to heal yourself, our life changing workshops will inspire and guide you to be an effective healer where you're at, right now.
We reinforce:
• It's ok to go with what you're hearing
• It's ok to go with what you're feeling
• It's ok to go with what you're seeing
...even if it's an invisible glass of pink liquid and you're getting that your client is supposed to drink it......it's ok.
It's ok to go with what you're getting in the moment because each moment contains within it the power to transform. When you step into this moment and you allow yourself to feel it, and you allow yourself to be exactly what this moment presents, you are empowered for your own life and to help others .
P.S. Listen to this short 7 minute presentation by Alex Mandossian on the4 Levels of Competency.He explains very clearly and simply what my goal and hope is for you.... The only thing I would say differently is that it can happen much faster than he expects.
The content found here is for informational purposes only, and is in no way intended as medical advice, as a substitute for medical counseling, or as a treatment/cure for any disease or health condition and nor should it be construed as such. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle, or exercise activities. This information is provided as-is, and the reader/viewer assumes all risks from the use, non-use, or misuse of this information.